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Welcome to Blake's Wednesday Advisory

Blake Advisory Program

LAST YEAR 2019-2020


Throughout the year in advisory, students will participate in a wide variety of activities focusing on team-building, mindfulness, stress management, and organizational strategies.  These activities are meant to help foster a sense of community within advisories and to provide students with strategies to help them feel confident and prepared to succeed in school.  In addition to having fun and building relationships with their advisory peers, students will learn and practice different study and time management strategies, set academic and personal goals, and learn strategies to calm down when they feel overwhelmed or anxious.  Our advisory program this year will be building off of the work we embarked upon with #ProjectHappiness as a concerted means to align our efforts with district's social-emotional learning goals.

Monthly Calendar
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
Visit the monthly calendar for each Wednesday Advisory's focus by grade level.
Bloggers & Instagrammers 

Open to students & staff

  • Write a blog post for @HappyBlakers on this website!

  • Have an image, story, video to shareon @HappyBlakers IG 

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